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교수프로필 연구 · 산학

김종욱 사진
  • 학위: 박사
  • 연구실 : (G관)제1공학관 (G504)
  • 연락처 : 02-781-7590
  • 세부전공 : Database, Data Privacy
  • 박사, Arizona State Univ. Computer Science (세부전공 : 데이터베이스), 200912
  • 석사, 한국과학기술원 전산학과 (세부전공 : 데이터베이스시스템), 200208
  • 학사, 고려대학교 전산학과 (세부전공 : 전산학과), 200008
  • 부교수, 상명대학교, (2019.09~ )
  • 조교수, 상명대학교, (2013.09~2019.08)
  • 소프트웨어 엔지니어, Teradata, (2010.09~2013.08)
  • 연구원, Technicolor, (2009.10~2010.08)
  • Long-Term Influenza Outbreak Forecast Using Time-Precedence Correlation of Web Data, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS, 202305
  • Survey of Landmark-based Indoor Positioning Technologies, INFORMATION FUSION, 202301
  • Effectively computing transition patterns with privacy-preserved trajectory datasets, PLOS ONE, 202212
  • Deep learning-based privacy-preserving framework for synthetic trajectory generation, JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, 202210
  • A Multi-Headed Transformer Approach for Predicting the Patient's Clinical Time-Series Variables From Charted Vital Signs, IEEE ACCESS, 202210
  • Deep similarity analysis and forecasting of actual outbreak of major infectious diseases using Internet-Sourced data, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS, 202209
  • Scalable Multi-Party Privacy-Preserving Gradient Tree Boosting over Vertically Partitioned Dataset with Outsourced Computations, MATHEMATICS, 202207
  • Privacy-preserving mechanisms for location privacy in mobile crowdsensing: A survey, JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, 202204
  • A Survey Of differential privacy-based techniques and their applicability to location-Based services, COMPUTERS SECURITY, 202112
  • 지역 차분 프라이버시를 이용한 프라이버시 보존 교통량 예측, 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지, 202112
  • Efficiently Supporting Online Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing in a Distributed Computing Environment, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 202111
  • Reliability check via weight similarity in privacy-preserving multi-party machine learning, INFORMATION SCIENCES, 202110
  • 딥러닝 기반 영화 인물들 간의 상관관계 분석, 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지, 202110
  • Successive Point-of-Interest Recommendation With Local Differential Privacy, IEEE ACCESS, 202109
  • Multi-Party Privacy-Preserving Logistic Regression with Poor Quality Data Filtering for IoT Contributors, ELECTRONICS, 202109
  • EagleEye: A Worldwide Disease-Related Topic Extraction System Using a Deep Learning Based Ranking Algorithm and Internet-Sourced Data, SENSORS, 202107
  • A deep attention model to forecast the Length Of Stay and the in-hospital mortality right on admission from ICD codes and demographic data, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS, 202106
  • CESCR: CP-ABE for efficient and secure sharing of data in collaborative ehealth with revocation and no dummy attribute, PLOS ONE, 202105
  • Effective Training Data Extraction Method to Improve Influenza Outbreak Prediction from Online News Articles: Deep Learning Model Study, JMIR Medical Informatics, 202105
  • Collaborative Ehealth Privacy and Security: An Access Control With Attribute Revocation Based on OBDD Access Structure, IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS, 202010
  • 웨어러블 기기 환경에서 특징 점 추출 기법을 통해 프라이버시 보존 건강 데이터를 수집하는 방법, 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지, 202010
  • Bi-LSTM Model to Increase Accuracy in Text Classification: Combining Word2vec CNN and Attention Mechanism, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 202009
  • Effective Privacy-Preserving Collection of Health Data from a User's Wearable Device, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 202009
  • 분산 차분 프라이버시를 통한 프라이버시 보존 환경에서의 IoT 데이터 수집 방법, 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지, 202006
  • 스마트밴드를 이용한 프라이버시 보존 건강 데이터 수집 방법, 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지, 202004
  • Efficient and Expressive Access Control with Revocation for Privacy of PHR based on OBDD Access Structure, IEEE ACCESS, 202001
  • 딥러닝 모델 기반의 수두 발생 예측, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineer, 202001
  • Q-learning Algorithms: A Comprehensive Classification and Applications, IEEE ACCESS, 201909
  • Privacy-Preserving IoT Data Collection in Fog-Cloud Computing Environment, 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지, 201909
  • Collecting Health Lifelog Data From Smartwatch Users in a Privacy-Preserving Manner, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, 201908
  • MPPDS: Multilevel Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in a Collaborative eHealth System, IEEE ACCESS, 201908
  • Word2vec convolutional neural networks for classification of news articles and tweets, PLOS ONE, 201908
  • Workload-Aware Indoor Positioning Data Collection via Local Differential Privacy, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, 201908
  • Deep Learning for Electronic Health Records Analytics, IEEE ACCESS, 201907
  • PEACOCK: A Map-Based Multitype Infectious Disease Outbreak Information System, IEEE ACCESS, 201906
  • IPSCL: An Accurate Indoor Positioning Algorithm Using Sensors and Crowdsourced Landmarks, Sensors, 201906
  • Privacy Provision in Collaborative eHealth with Attribute-Based Encryption: A Survey, Challenges and Future Directions, IEEE ACCESS, 201906
  • Web-based k-Anonymization System in a Distributed Environment, 디지털콘텐츠학회논문지, 201901
  • Differentially Private and Skew-Aware Spatial Decompositions for Mobile Crowdsensing, SENSORS, 201811
  • Health Big Data Analytics: A Technology Survey, IEEE ACCESS, 201811
  • Privacy-preserving aggregation of personal health data streams, PLOS ONE, 201811
  • Efficient K-Anonymization Implementation with Apache Spark, 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지, 201811
  • Privacy-Preserving Top-k Route Computation in Indoor Environments, IEEE ACCESS, 201810
  • DiTeX: Disease-related topic extraction system through internet-based sources, PLOS ONE, 201808
  • DOVE: An Infectious Disease Outbreak Statistics Visualization System, IEEE ACCESS, 201808
  • Application of Local Differential Privacy to Collection of Indoor Positioning Data, IEEE ACCESS, 201802
  • CATS: cache-aware task scheduling for Hadoop-based systems, CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 201712
  • 하둡 분산 환경 기반 프라이버시 보호 빅 데이터 배포 시스템 개발, 멀티미디어학회논문지, 201712
  • Development of Simulation Tool to Support Privacy-Preserving Data Collection, 디지털콘텐츠학회논문지, 201712
  • Utility-preserving anonymization for health data publishing, BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING, 201707
  • A Study on Performing Join Queries over K-anonymous Tables, 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지, 201707
  • 프라이버시 보호 데이터 배포를 위한 모델 조사, 정보과학회논문지, 201702
  • Efficient Top-k Join Processing over Encrypted Data in a Cloud Environment, KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 201610
  • 데이터베이스의 과학에 대한 고찰 및 연구 사례 분석, 정보과학회논문지, 201602
  • 아웃소싱 암호화 데이터에 대한 효율적인 Top-k 질의 처리 알고리즘, 정보처리학회논문지. 소프트웨어 및 데이터 공학, 201512
  • 클라우드 환경에서의 암호화 데이터에 대한효율적인 Top-K 질의 수행 기법, 멀티미디어학회논문지, 201508
  • 저장 공간이 제약된 환경에서 계층적 비트맵 인덱스 생성에 관한 연구, 디지털컨텐츠학회논문지, 201502
  • NoSQL: 비정형 빅 데이터 처리 기술, 디지털 콘텐츠 학회지, 201412
  • "SQL on Hadoop" 기술 동향, 한국멀티미디어 학회지, 201403
  • 온톨로지를 이용한 변화하는 데이터의효과적인 인덱싱 방법, 멀티미디어학회논문지, 201402
  • Scaling Reuse Detection in the Web through Two-way Boosting with Signatures and LSH, 멀티미디어학회논문지, 201306
  • 맵리듀스에서 데이터의 유용성을 이용한 데이터 분할 기법, 멀티미디어학회논문지, 201305
  • Wikipedia-Based Semantic Interpreter Using Approximate Top-k Processing and Its Application, JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, 2012
  • RanKloud: Scalable Multimedia Data Processing in Server Clusters, IEEE MULTIMEDIA, 2011
  • Organization and Tagging of Blog and News Entries Based on Content Reuse, JOURNAL OF SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS FOR SIGNAL IMAGE AND VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, 201003
  • SEA: Segment-Enrich-Annotate Paradigm for Adapting Dialog-Based Content for Improved Accessibility, ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 2009
  • Discovering mappings in hierarchical data from multiple sources using the inherent structure, KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 200608
  • XML 질의의 효율적인 전처리를 위한 시그너처 방법, 정보과학회논문지 : 데이타베이스, 200310
  • Efficient preprocessing of XML queries using structured signatures, INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS, 200309
  • Infectious Disease Infection Index Information System, IEEE ICCE, 20190113
  • Privacy-Preserving Data Collection Scheme on Smartwatch Platform, IEEE ICCE , 20190111
  • Efficient Wikipedia-Based Semantic Interpreter by Exploiting Top-k Processing, ACM CIKM, 20101026
  • Skip-and-Prune: Cosine-based Top-K Query Processing for Efficient Context-Sensitive Document Retrieval, ACM SIGMOD, 20090629
  • PICC Counting: Who Needs Joins when you Can Propagate Efficiently, SIAM SDM, 20090430
  • Efficient Overlap and Content Reuse Detection in Blogs and Online News Articles, WWW, 20090420
  • CDIP: Collection-Driven, yet Individuality-Preserving, IEEE ICSC, 20070917
  • Concept Similarity Mining without Frequency Information from Domain Describing Taxonomies, ACM CIKM, 20061106
  • Topic Segmentation of Message Hierarchies for Indexing and Navigation Support, WWW, 20050510
  • 우수논문상, 한국멀티미디어학회, 201705
  • 우수논문상, 한국멀티미디어학회, 201610
  • 우수논문상, 한국디지털콘텐츠학회, 201511
  • 인공지능 학습 데이터를 위한 프라이버시 보존 데이터 수집/생성 기법 개발, 한국연구재단 (중견연구), (2023.03~2026.02)
  • 지역 차분 프라이버시 기반 안전한 IoT 데이터 수집·공유 기술 개발: 건강 데이터 중심으로, 한국연구재단 (기본연구), (2020.06~2023.02)
  • 개인정보를 안전하고 편리하게 빅데이터 처리할 수 있는 방법, 정보통신기획평가원, (2018.04~2020.12)
  • 최적 데이터 분석을 지원하는 차분 프라이버시 기반 빅데이터 공유 플랫폼 개발, 한국연구재단 (기본연구), (2017.06~2020.05)
  • BEMS 빅데이터 분석을 통한 건물 에너지 사용패턴 이상 현상 감지 및 진단 기술 개발, 한국연구재단 (신진연구), (2015.11~2017.10)