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교수프로필 연구 · 산학

손인수 사진
  • 학위: 박사
  • 연구실 : (A관)사범대학관 (A316)
  • 연락처 : 02-781-7783
  • 세부전공 : 경영정보학전공
  • 박사, 고려대학교 경영학과, 201402
  • 석사, Carnegie Mellon Univ. Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy, 200112
  • 석사, University of Wisconsin - Madison School of Business, 199912
  • Visiting Adjunct Research Faculty, American University, (2015.01~2016.02)
  • 연구위원, 고려대학교 기업경영연구원, (2014.03~2016.02)
  • Research Associate, Singapore Management University, (2011.08~2012.04)
  • 선임컨설턴트, (주)LG씨엔에스, (2001.05~2006.09)
  • Understanding employee's emotional reactions to ISSP compliance: focus on frustration from security requirements, Behaviour & Information Technology, 202208
  • 프라이버시에 대한 감정이 프라이버시 보호 행동에 미치는 영향: 카드사 개인정보 유출사건을 중심으로, 인터넷전자상거래연구, 202106
  • Exploring the role of intrinsic motivation in ISSP compliance: enterprise digital rights management system case, Information Technology & People, 202005
  • The Effect of Cloud-based IT Architecture on IT Exploration and Exploitation: Enabling Role of Modularity and Virtuality, Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, 201812
  • Examining Decision-Making of Participating in Open Innovation Platform: The Case of Biotechnology Industry, 아시아마케팅저널, 201801
  • 클라우드 컴퓨팅 도입이 기업의 시장가치에 미치는 영향: 이벤트 스터디를 활용한 분석, 인터넷전자상거래연구, 201702
  • 복수 공급업체와의 관계구조가 정보기술 아웃소싱 성과에 미치는 영향: 거래비용 이론 관점, Information Systems Review, 201603
  • 기업의 빅데이터 활용에 관한 실증연구 : A 쇼핑사의 빅데이터기반 통합로그 시스템 사례, 인터넷전자상거래연구, 201512
  • The Role of Message Content and Source User Identity in Information Diffusion on Online Social Networks, Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, 201506
  • Market Perception on Cloud Computing Initiatives in Organizations: An Extended Resource-based View, Information and Management, 2014
  • Understanding The Adoption of Convergent Service: The Case of IPTV, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2012
  • Do Online Social Network Contribute to WOM Effect on Product Sales?, Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems, 2012
  • The Viral Effect of Online Social Network on New Products Promotion: Investigating Information Diffusion on Twitter, Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems, 2012
  • Global Diffusion of Online Social Network Services:A Cross-Country Study, Journal of Korea Society of IT Services, 2012
  • The Impact of Message Characteristics on Online Viral Diffusion in Online Social Media Services: The Case of Twitter, Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems, 2011
  • The Role of Information Technology Architecture in Driving Corporate Innovations: Modularization, Virtualization, and Organizational Learning, Presented at Pre-ICIS 2014 SIM/MISQE Academic Workshop, 2014
  • IT Architecture and Organizational Learning: The Effect of Modularity and Virtualization, Presented at 2014 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, 2014
  • The Role of Message Content and Source User Identity on Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks, Presented at 4thLG CNS-KrAIS Workshop, 2013
  • Understanding the Effect of Message Content and User Identity on Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks, Presented at Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2013
  • Understanding Market Reactions to Cloud Computing Initiatives in Organizations: An Event Study Approach, Presented at Workshop on Electronic Business, 2012
  • Information Diffusion in Online Social Media: The Role of Message and User Characteristics in Retweeting on Twitter, Presented at 2012 Korea Intelligent and Information Systems Society Fall Conference, 2012
  • Consumer Micro-Behavior and TV Viewership Patterns: Data Analytics for the Two-Way Set-Top Box, Presented at International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2012
  • The Viral Effect of Online Social Network on New Products Promotion: Investigating Information Diffusion on Twitter, Presented at 2012 Korea Intelligent and Information Systems Society Spring Conference, 2012
  • Information Technology for Service Innovation: The Impact on Business Productivity and Channel Disruption from Cloud Computing and Smart Device Computing, Presented at International Conference on Information Systems, 2011
  • Assessing Economic Payoffs from Cloud Computing Deployment: Market Value and Firm Performance, Presented at 2ndLGCNS-KrAISWorkshop(Post-ICIS2011), 2011
  • Understanding The Impact of IT Service Innovation on Firm Performance: The Case of Cloud Computing, Presented at Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2011
  • Assessing A New IT Service Model, Cloud Computing, Presented at Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2011
  • Understanding the Adoption of Convergent Service: The Case of IPTV, Presented at 44thHawaiianInternationalConferenceonSystemScience, 2011
  • 우수강의상, 상명대학교, 20180820
  • 우수강의상, 상명대학교, 20170215
  • Citation Award, 지능정보시스템학회, 20151127
  • 우수논문상, 한국경영정보학회, 20131215
  • 우수논문상, 지능정보시스템학회, 20121215
  • 우수논문상, 지능정보시스템학회, 20120515
  • 최우수논문상, 한국경영정보학회, 20111215
  • 보건복지부 홈페이지 사용성 평가, 보건복지부 ㈜다음소프트, (2011.~ )
  • ㈜LG IT 관리체계 수립, ㈜LG, (2006.~ )
  • LG전자 IT Transformation 방안 연구, LG 전자, (2006.~ )
  • LG 그룹 자매사 IT 서비스 품질관리 및 가격산정 모델 개발, ㈜LG, (2005.~ )
  • LG 전자 IT 프로젝트 표준견적 모델 개발, LG 전자, (2004.~ )
  • LG CNS 구매역량 강화 프로젝트, LG CNS, (2003.~ )
  • LG Philips LCD 전사 Data Warehouse 구축 Planning, LG Philips LCD, (2002.~ )
  • 농협 중앙회 통합 마케팅 시스템 구축제안, 농협 중앙회, (2002.~ )
  • 정통부 예금/보험 통합 인터넷 시스템 구축 제안, 정통부 우정사업본부, (2002.~ )
  • LG 텔레콤 고객관계관리 마케팅 전략 수립 프로젝트, LG 텔레콤, (2002.~ )